Michael St. Pierre

April 16, 2024

Books Before Browsing

How do you feel about your morning prayer routine? 

For years, I felt that I was giving God the scraps of my energy, heart and mind. I would pray but that came after some internet browsing on Catholic news sites. I told myself that these “faith-related” articles were fine, just part of my morning routine.

As it would turn out, one article led to another and then, I was left with only a few minutes to really pray. Day after day, the routine would repeat.

It’s only been recent that things have changed and I’m so glad. Picking up an old copy of Merton’s New Seeds of Contemplation, a book I read in my twenties, I’ve started my routine with a few pages. 

From there, I will go to the day’s Gospel, using my Word on Fire Bible. 

The physical book part of this process is very powerful for me. As someone who spends his day in front of a monitor, iPad or iPhone, I may even need physical books as a counterbalance. Nonetheless, this ritual of “books before browsing” has been a game changer.

I no longer feel like I’m giving God the scraps of my morning. Rather, He’s starting me out in the Word and setting my heart and mind in the right direction. 

Michael St. Pierre, Ed.D.