Michael St. Pierre

March 31, 2023

Fasting: how I do it and why it’s a gift

It’s a Friday in Lent so you know what that means: no meat. By dinner time, you’ll likely have eaten a lot of carbs and are feeling cranky. If I’m being too honest, forgive me!

Fasting for me is a weekly thing, throughout the year. When Lent rolls around, my body (and mind) have been somewhat used to fasting.

A few years ago, I decided to offer up one meal every Friday as a fast. Since every holy person in Christian history (so I thought) enjoyed fasting, I should too. Breakfast seemed like a good choice. I would then “match” the fast with a prayer intention. This made the simple gesture of skipping one meal much easier.

To be clear, I don’t consider myself to have great self control. My fasting “success” is only a result of a system that I’ve set up. My human frailty would much rather opt for Dunkin Donuts and Doritos on most days of the week.

Over the years, when someone has been going through a tough time, I’ve discreetly mentioned to them that I would offer my “Friday fast” for them. This was not to be showy but rather, to let them know that I was serious about praying for them.

It’s not always been perfect. Some Friday’s I’ve forgotten. Others I simply needed something to eat. I’ve found that a gentle hand on the wheel is most helpful. White knuckling, when it comes to fasting, just doesn’t work for me.

When I’ve been imperfect in my fast, something cool has occurred- an alternate fast. If giving up food was too difficult, I would offer up social media for a half day or the delightful audio book that I was listening to.

There’s always something you can fast from.

There’s always someone you can fast for.

The key: offer up something. Fast in some way. It’s a gift to you and just might be a gift to someone else.

Michael St. Pierre, Ed.D.