Michael St. Pierre

May 26, 2021

God Has a Message for You

When was the last time that you quieted yourself and asked God to speak to you? I’m not talking about those moments of desperation or worry, although those are certainly honest and true.

Rather, I’m talking about that time in your morning prayer when you close your eyes and ask God to bring you something, a hint of teaching, a nudge of insight, a spark of revelation.

These moments are sweeter than honey.

These moments are that of the living God speaking directly to your heart. It’s possible if we would just surrender, opening our hands and hearts to the Lord. For sure, it’s scary when you step into the unknown. After all, you never know what He will say. This asking is genuinely possible and God wants to bring messages to us. He longs to commune with us and speak directly to our hearts.

As St. Teresa of Avila famously said, “Mental prayer in my opinion is nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us.”

Take that time today to be with the Lord. Don’t wait for tomorrow. In humility, ask Him, “Lord, what message do you have for me today?”


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