Michael St. Pierre

November 1, 2023

Have you Told Your Children Your Story of Faith?

In Tuesday’s morning prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours, Isaiah 38:19 tells fathers to tell their sons of God’s faithfulness.

For me, this was one of those moments when God hit me between the eyes, “Mike, have YOU told your kids about how you came to Christ?”

I decided at that point to use night prayers with the family to tell my kids about my conversion as a teenager. I found photos of my my high school and the church where I attended youth group. Their eyes told me that they found it fascinating, a bit of a walk down memory lane.

The best part though, was when we prayed a commitment prayer together- very similar to the one I prayed as a sophomore in high school. Very moving.

Too often, Catholics don’t actually present kids with moments of decision. They think that kids will just “get it” and that faith will be sticky. We know, sadly, that it’s not that simple. They need witnesses for sure but they also benefit from these kinds of moments where we invite them to make a decision for Christ.

When was the last time you shared your conversion story with your kids?


Michael St. Pierre, Ed.D.