Michael St. Pierre

October 6, 2021

How to be Less Bothered

Each of us knows what it means to feel bothered. We don’t think about it that often but you know it when you see it (or feel it).

I coach my 10 year old’s soccer team along with another dad. It’s one of the highlights of the week. While we put in the effort to plan practices and execute a brilliant game plan, the kids on the team are still, well, kids.

And as the saying goes, kids say the darndest things.

One day, while we were giving a very inspiring mini-talk (you only have about 30 seconds with 5th graders) before practice, one boy just ignores all of our coaching gold and blurts out, “my dog got out last night!”

That was what was bothering him and he just couldn’t help but to announce it. When something is eating at you like that, there’s little else you can think about.

How about you? What’s bothering you today and, can how can you bring it to the Lord in prayer?

One thing is for certain, if you want to cut down on things that bother you, less news can help. This article caught my eye and sure enough, #5 on the list relates to the news.

The takeaway: be aware of what’s bothering you, bring it to prayer and along the way, consume less news. I’ve never met a soul that finds the news conducive to The Quiet Life.