Michael St. Pierre

April 27, 2022

I only do this once a year

Many of you know that my professional work is with a faith-based nonprofit that provides vital training to those on college campuses.

Once a year, I invite my audience to support our work- today is that day!

Our organization, the Catholic Campus Ministry Association, has been serving college campus ministers (lay and ordained professionals who work with college students) for over 50 years. When the pandemic hit and colleges shut down, our members got creative and kept working with students.
Many campuses in fact saw growth as a result of the courageous work of campus ministers.

What do we do?
-provide online and in-person training courses
-provide weekly Zoom calls for dialogue and inspiration (over 50 calls in the past 18 months!)
-provide annual conferences
-provide a Fall Symposium on Mental Health
-provide a Winter Webinar on Evangelization

How about our team?
We are a remote team of three full time employees plus four contractors. We have no office and all work remotely from seven different states. Our board is simply amazing and provide healthy institutional oversight and accountability.

How can you support what we do?
Today and Thursday are our Spring Days of Giving. We are raising funds to offer another training event this summer for those new to college work. I'd be honored to have your support which you can give via this link.

Please pray for us and know that each member of my audience receives my personal prayers as well.

Thank you!