Michael St. Pierre

August 6, 2022

Living the Quiet Life: How to Make a Meaningful Protest

It’s never been easy to be Catholic. The earliest believers lost their lives due to their faith and devout followers of Christ are still persecuted today.

In America, we have a very unique situation unfolding in 2022: many of the nation’s top political leaders are Catholic. This would be a point of pride for practicing Catholics were it not for the fact that many of these same leaders are for abortion. One used to say that they were “pro-choice” but that went out the window once abortion was returned to the states. Now, it feels like those same leaders are going out of their way to speak up for abortion and then take actions to promote abortion. We have moved beyond virtue signaling and into full-on promotion.

As those who seek to live out The Quiet Life, we want to speak up. We want to be charitably critical but aren’t sure how to do so. The reason? We care about the souls of these same leaders.

Typically, the complaints about President Biden, Speaker Pelosi and others goes like this:

On one side, “they’re not Catholics in good standing because they promote abortion…”

And on the other side, “but what does it mean to be a ‘good’ Catholic and why should we judge?”

Both sides, in exasperation, walk away none for the better. In 2022 in America, humble debate has become darn-near impossible.

To settle this, I refer you to Bishop Barron’s recent commentary in Word on Fire. He takes you deeper than this simple binary argument and into a more thoughtful evaluation of the President’s crusade to promote abortion at any cost.

After you read Bishop’s article, pray about how you can both live The Quiet Life and find humble ways to speak up when someone is in moral error.
