Michael St. Pierre

January 19, 2024

Noticing Noise

When we pray, we seldom are focused perfectly on the Lord. Rather, we are busied by many things. This noise is both within us and outside of us.

On the inside track, we worry, fret, are distracted, and unsettled.

Outside of us, we see things, hear things, feel things.

In prayer, all of these issues come to bear upon us. They push down, literally like a weight and our shoulders can sag under the pressure of it all. As a result, we limp towards God, feeling as if we are praying poorly.

Instead, be thankful for the noise. The fact that you are noticing it is itself a gift. Once you notice the noise, you can then offer it up to the Lord and push through, ever so gently into more peaceful intimacy with God.

Michael St. Pierre, Ed.D.