Michael St. Pierre

March 31, 2021

“Success” in the Spiritual Life

This story caught my eye as one man spent $10,000,000 trying to create the perfect todo app. It’s laden with regret and a clear sense of copycat culture. If only my product had what theirs does, etc.

Without a keen sense of the finish line, it’s easy to spend our time trying to be like others.

In the spiritual life, this applies as well. Finish line: heaven. Path to get there: prayerful. Think of it this way- if you spend time in prayer, day after day, you’re much more likely to find “success”, i.e. eternal life in heaven.

This is not the go-to-church and hope for the best kind of praying. Rather, it’s the kind that no one else will likely see. It’s at home. It’s early in the morning. It’s Bible in your lap and journal in your hand. It’s in silence. It’s a lot of asking God questions and then patiently waiting for answers. It’s leaning into your Catholic tradition and savoring its richness.

Doing this work is success in the spiritual life. It’s the daily path towards the goal. As I say on my podcast, you can do this and God can do this through you.

Together, you make quite a team.