Michael St. Pierre

April 27, 2021

Using Small Gestures when you Pray

Think of the last time you shook someone’s hand, you know, before Covid-times. Was it a limp-dead-fish sort of handshake or a firm grasp? Either way, it likely left an impression on you.

Small gestures matter.

In our most ordinary moments, these tiny movements can make a big difference. St. Thomas More said, “The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.”

How about in your prayer life? Do you raise your eyes towards a crucifix reverently, finger your Rosary with patience or turn the pages of your Bible with care? The Quiet Life encourages a slow, calm approach to spiritual growth and intimacy with God. Slow and steady wins the race.

Today is a good day to use small gestures in order to better dispose yourself to God’s grace. This is not so much about our efforts but about appreciating the Lord’s presence within our ordinary lives.