Michael St. Pierre

June 12, 2023

Using the Freeform app for a Short Catechesis with Children

Since Covid began, our family has said evening prayers in one form or another. A typical weekly schedule includes the following:

  • One night for the Divine Mercy chaplet (the kids love it because it’s so short)
  • One night for intercessions
  • One night for Catholic art or religious imagery
  • One night for catechesis or apologetics
  • One night for closing out the Sabbath (a simple prayer via a worksheet)
  • Two nights for flexible options (typically Fri & Sat)

While we are hardly perfect in this little “schedule” of prayers, it provides just enough of a structure, ending each day with a moment of recollection.

Night prayer typically lasts about 10 minutes, almost always done in our family room.

Lately, I’ve been using the Freeform app on my iPad to help teach (briefly, remember we’re talking about short attention spans) about a topic that requires some catechesis.

The example below is what we used last week for the feast of Corpus Cristi. The video is just over two minutes.

RPReplay_Final1686567801.mp4 139 MB


PS if you find these reflections helpful, why not share them with someone else who is striving for holiness in the midst of their daily lives?