Michael St. Pierre

April 22, 2022

Why the Easter Season is the Perfect Time For _________________.

Happy Easter!

I know that most Christians only use that term on Easter Sunday itself but Catholics know that it endures for a full season. The Church reminds us that the joy of Easter is greater than the fasting and abstinence of Lent.

It can be all-too-easy to just go back to the hustle of daily life, post Easter. If we’re not careful, Easter can become just another Thanksgiving or civic holiday.

That’s exactly why I think the Easter season is the perfect time to renew our daily practice of prayer. Why waste the spiritual momentum we enjoyed during Lent? While our muscle of fasting need not apply during the Easter season, the basic premise of self control, mastery over self and time alone with the Lord can remain.

Are you spending time alone with the Lord each morning? Why not ask God for the grace to recommit to your daily quiet time with Him? If it’s true that we are an Easter people (to quote Saint John Paul II), may it also be true that we are a daily praying people.