Michael St. Pierre

July 22, 2021

You Know You’re Ready for a Vacation When…

When you see your Church fighting over the Latin Mass…
When you see top Church officials resign once their secret lives have been exposed…
When you see arguing online about the Pope…
When you feel physically exhausted…
When you find it difficult to pray…
When you can’t stop checking the news…

Don’t neglect the gift of Summer for rich Sabbath-keeping and rest. If you can relate to any of the above-mentioned items, you’re ready for a vacation.

Bigger than that, you may also be feeling a call to The Quiet Life. The noise, the chatter, the arguing and name-calling online…maybe it’s time to call BS on all of it.

I’ve been reading (and re-reading) Matthew 11:28 lately and it feels especially appropriate for the time we are in as Catholics and Christians, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Ready to go deeper into The Quiet Life? Enjoy Mike’s latest podcast: www.mikestpierre.com/podcast