Joe Masilotti, in his Rails World 2023 talk, shows how to create custom styles for Turbo Native Rails applications in a way that does not break cache:
# app/assets/stylesheets/native.css .turbo-native-hidden { display: hidden important! }
# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb <head> <%= stylesheet_include_tag "application" %> <%= stylesheet_include_tag "native" if turbo_native_app? %> </head>
This works great for simple scenarios when I must show or hide certain elements. With Tailwind, however, I would like to benefit from the full richness of all its utility classes.
In config/tailwind.config.js, add the following function to the plugins section:
plugins: [ # ... ({ addVariant }) => { addVariant('turbo-native', "html[data-turbo-native-app] &"), addVariant('non-turbo-native', "html:not([data-turbo-native-app]) &") }, ]
Next, add a conditional data attribute to your layout html tag:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html <%= 'data-turbo-native-app' if turbo_native_app? %> > <head>
In case the helper is not available in your views, add the following line to your application controller:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base helper_method :turbo_native_app? end
And that's it! Now, you can use these variants to display your app on iOS/Android native app differently, from simple cases like:
<div class="flex turbo-native:flex-col"> </div>
To more complex scenarios:
<div class="flex non-turbo-native:group-data-[hide]:hidden turbo-native:flex"> <%= render 'overdue_tasks_count', overdue_tasks_count: @overdue_tasks_count %> </div>
Enjoy! I hope this helps (me remember).