Shas Veeramani

May 21, 2024

Small and large things

We have stuffs (large and small) in every household.

Large stuffs are the ones that generally occupy more space, or perhaps they rarely move around your home.  Small stuffs don't occupy that much physical space, but have a tendency to move around a lot.

Having too much of the large stuff is when you feel there is not much space or think that you need a bigger house. But beware of the smaller stuffs, they occupy so much mental space — Whether to organise your small hoardings or clean the house constantly, especially, when having kids.

Henry David Thoreau wrote in Walden,

The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.

If we seek to reduce every day stress, it is wise to be intentional and reduce the number of stuffs, especially, smaller stuffs we own.

About Shas Veeramani

Husband | Dad | Programmer
Believes in a lifestyle that is Minimal; Finance that is Ethical; Technology that is Humane