Shaun Weston

July 5, 2023

Apple Vision Pro (part two)

What a pleasure it was to welcome Charles Radclyffe back to the (remote) Big Tech Little Tech studio. To take episode 28's discussion about Apple's Vision Pro device further, we invited Charles to share his thoughts on what it might mean for the future of the metaverse. Head on over to episode 29 to hear an edited version of the show.

As of writing, I'm preparing an extended version (almost twice as long) in video format. My co-host Rick Huckstep and I are experimenting with the idea of subscriber-only content. Creating an unedited video version seems like a nice thing to do for those who want it. Saying that, recent survey feedback reveals a handful of listeners want the show to be shorter. I take surveys with a pinch of salt, as they provide an incomplete picture based on incomplete data, but it's nice to see what people say (when they do, and as long as it's constructive and kind).

I didn't prepare a new set of research points for the second Vision Pro recording, as the first set was somewhat unexplored and still relevant. The next show will reveal my findings on satellite internet, which is the topic of episode 30. I hope you will tune in. Until then, stay safe, keep smiling and enjoy the details.

Shaun 💚

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About Shaun Weston

A copywriter, podcast producer and moorhen feeder.