Shaun Weston

August 31, 2023

Smart home technology for the win

My research into smart home technology took me down a YouTube rabbit hole. I have now seen enough multicoloured fridges to last a lifetime. Along with home appliances, it was great to see how smart devices have moved into more fun areas, such as home robotics and smart toilets (even though the Japanese have been using them for decades).

So here are my notes for episode 33 of Big Tech Little Tech. I hope you find them useful as a springboard for catching up with smart home technology. If you listen to the show, let me know what we missed out that you think we should have mentioned. It would be fun to return to this topic at a later date.

A quick reminder: There's more content in our video version. If you're a Patreon subscriber, you can spend £2 a month to get extended video versions and transcripts.

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The benefits of smart home technology

  • Life is more convenient: Remote monitoring, automation, voice control etc.
  • Energy efficiency: Smart thermostats, smart lighting, energy monitoring, leak detectors, smart shower heads, garden hose timers, smart irrigation systems etc.
  • Security: Cameras, locks and sensors. The global smart home security market was valued at $25.8bn in 2022.

What do I like? I like using my voice to type and write things. I like music that goes in and out of different rooms, and being able to tap my phone to a HomePod to play any song I can think of. I have lights come on automatically when I enter a room, and cameras that activate when I leave the house. Internet speeds have accelerated the market.

What's happening in Spain, where Rick lives? Spain has surpassed the UK and Germany in the use of smart home automation, with 11% of Spanish homes with broadband already having a control system for smart homes.


The challenges and concerns of smart home technology

  • Privacy and security risks: Moving house can be problematic, and people in abusive relationships have reported being harassed by a partner that’s moved out. Are we being listened to or watched? Does our door unlock itself when we're on holiday?
    • According to a 2022 report from the technology company Plume, households in the United States had an average of 20 internet-connected devices.
    • Remotely turning up the heat on a smart thermostat on a searing hot summer day. Turning the lights off and on. Displaying daunting messages, such as “I’m watching you,” on television screens. Playing offensive or triggering songs on smart speakers. These are among the dozens of cases of smart home abuse that Ms. Song has witnessed in her work.
      Unwanted connection: Who has control of your smart home?
  • Technical challenges: Standardisation, compatibility, inconsistent behaviours.
  • Cost: It can be expensive to load up on devices only to find they don’t work well with one another, or you’ve locked yourself in to an ecosystem with a subscription model.
  • Broadband: What if you don't have fast, reliable internet coverage?

What is Matter?

Matter is connectivity technology that was launched to enable devices to communicate without necessarily being the same brand. The Verge says: “Its biggest promise is making smart devices work with each other across platforms and ecosystems, no matter who made them.”


What are the latest smart home trends?

Being fun! The LG MoodUp fridge with coloured panels is a nod in this direction.

Home robotics is set to be the next big thing. Has cost held it back up till now? In the same way that business automation can handle mundane tasks we all hate doing, home robots mow the lawn, vacuum and feed the pets.

  • Remember the scene of the dog being walked by a robot? Was that Back to the Future?
  • I would like a smart toilet. The Japanese have used them since the 1980s, and more than 75% of Japanese households have a smart toilet.
  • I would also like smart glass, also known as privacy glass.

Thanks again for reading. Thanks to advancements in AI, the smartest homes will be able to truly learn about their owners or occupants, eventually anticipating their needs. There's so much left to talk about! Hopefully, you will stay with the podcast as we continue to explore the smart home sector. (I'm looking forward to my first robot.)

Until then, stay safe, keep smiling and enjoy the details.

Shaun 🤖

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About Shaun Weston

A copywriter, podcast producer and moorhen feeder.