This is my favorite quote.
“If more information was the answer, we'd all be billionaires with 6 pack abs.”
~Derek Sivers
Examples of excessive "information":
"Be vulnerable"
"Sleep well"
"Start with why"
"Lead, don't manage"
"Be kind"
"Active listening"
"Attentive listening"
"Reflective listening"
"Be grateful"
"Growth mindset"
"Radical candor"
Think about it.
You already get the why.
You also have more than enough what to work on.
What you need is to figure out the how- the Ultra-Specific-How.
The Ultra Specific How is the key to becoming a billionaire with 6 pack abs.
Enough with the Why.
Choose a What.
Master the How.
*The Quote was from Derek Sivers