This Week in Rails

November 7, 2021

Nested attributes for delegated types, improved performances and more!

Hey! Robin here with the latest news from the Ruby on Rails world.

Support accepts_nested_attributes_for for delegated types
Rails 6.1 introduced delegated types to ease handling some polymorphic relationships. This pull request makes using `accepts_nested_attributes_for` on such types a piece of cake.

Use nested queries doing UPDATE with GROUP BY and HAVING on MySQL
Since MySQL doesn't support `UPDATE` with `GROUP BY` and `HAVING` clauses, this patch fixes such scenario to rely on a sub-query. A similar patch has been merged to deal with `DELETE` queries.

Raise a specific error on unsafe redirects
Rails 7.0 prevents redirects to other hosts than the current one unless you explicitly ask it to. In case of unsafe redirects, an `ArgumentError` was raised. Now, the error is more specific, allowing you to rely on a `rescue_from` block to deal with such cases.

Add `url_from` to check if an URL is internal
In line with the previous patch, a new `url_from` method is available in controllers to check whether an URL is internal or not, simplifying the way to provide an alternative in case it is not.

Improved Active Job test helpers error messages
This is the kind of little changes that make life easier. The error messages of `assert_enqueued_with` and `assert_performed_with` have been improved to ease debugging when the assertion failed. Happy testing!

Optimize `ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes` method generation
It's always lovely to see performance optimizations. This patch is about method generation of classes inheriting from `ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes`. The trick here is to generate the code as a string rather than relying on a closure.

13 people contributed to Rails since last time. All the changes can be checked here. Until next week!

About This Week in Rails

Your weekly inside scoop of interesting commits, pull requests and more from Rails.