Timothy Rock

September 26, 2022

What do you value?

I've thought a lot about values lately, and how they shape us. It all started when I tried explaining how machine learning works through a series of weights applied to inputs that adjust over time in an attempt to optimize to a particular scenario.

My explanation led me to think of the teenage driver. Without any prior experience the teenage driver will try to get to their destination as fast as possible. Then when the teenage driver gets their first ticket, they will weight their decision making towards avoiding tickets. Then when the teenage driver gets in their first accident, now not only do they have to avoid tickets, but they must also avoid accidents. This process continues as we as humans optimize ourselves in alignment to our values.

I think our values drive how we interact with the world, good or bad. If we want to change our outcome, we must first change what drives us. If you think long and hard about your life, what would you say you value? Why do you have those values?

The tough question to then ask is, do your values reflect your actions and the way you live your life?

I think for most of us, if we are honest, the answer is: not quite.

I find that to be a tough pill to swallow. I think the truth is that our actions represent our values, and what we think our values are, is where we would like to be.

How do we get our actions to align with our values? I think the answer to that is introspection. We must aware, in the moment, and consciously think about our actions.

At the moment of action, if we can pause and ask ourselves, "Does this action align with my values?" then I think we can chart a course to a better life for ourselves, and others.

So I ask you, what do you value?