Tobias Leyland

March 11, 2024

Turbo 🚀

We've been a user of TurboLinks for many years now and I was recently inspired by all of the releases in the latest RailsConf.

After looking into how to upgrade from TurboLinks to Turbo and following the fantastic blog post by Alexandre Ruban - We made the jump and upgraded our internal app to use Turbo and Stimulus.

The view transitions are lovely but the speed of not having to reload an entire page is epic. We previously had to achieve this by using Rails UJS and sticking remote: true on every form we wanted it for.

Having Turbo Frames instead saves so much work of having to manipulate the DOM, and when we need to, we can utilise the stimulus controllers for this (bear with me I'm still new to this!)

It's long been on my radar whether a frontend like React or Vue paired with our Rails apps would be the way to go forwards with providing our users with a good UX and a backend we can support with all of our Rails knowledge picked up over the years.

Turbo will allow us to create a Single Page Application (SPA) like experience with a few extra lines of code and a day's worth of training - compared to having to maintain packages and train staff up on React or Vue.

It's inspiring when a new tool hits like this and I'm excited for what we can produce in the future for internal staff and customers alike!

About Tobias Leyland

I'm Tobias, the CTO at FirstB2B. Subscribe to follow my thoughts on current technologies, programming solutions or whatever else is on my mind. Thanks for visiting

Mi chiamo Tobias, il CTO su FirstB2B. Iscriviti per seguire i miei pensieri sulle tecnologie attuali, sulle soluzioni di programmazione o su qualsiasi altra cosa abbia in mente. Grazie della visita