Tobias Micko

March 6, 2021

Bye World (that I know)!

A recent burst of fear and angst made it quite real:
In 4 months I will leave my current endeavors in Vienna, a month later I'll have left Austria for good. I'm starting from scratch, and I have realized that I am scared of that.

It's not that I am scared of moving to the big city, the gravity of New York City has been a big influence in my professional life. Even so... I'm scared. I used to know myself as a person having no problem withstanding these insecurities, and I've actively nurtured that ambitious public perception of myself.

But right now, things are different. I feel different.
I am about to leave my safe zone, my social sphere and norms. Everything I believe to be true, the way I live, my values I carefully discovered—it will all be challenged, big time.
The weird thing is, I actually love being lost and scared, even though it fuels fears, because that's when I go somewhere unexpected. I am seeking that global life—interconnected, constantly challenged and thereby inspired.

But now, after talking about it for more than 2 years, I am actually doing it. I'm leaving, for good. I don't know for how long, have no real perspective where that path might end up, but I'm eager to discover just that.

Over the next years I will use this outlet to share my experiences abroad, embracing the intensity of my surroundings and inner self. You can sign up to this mailing list if you are interested, that way we can also stay in touch. I'd love to! 
