Tobias Micko

May 31, 2021


When we imagine the future, screens are everywhere.

We imagine a world where everyone wakes up and goes to work and sleeps and plays, surrounded by screens. 20 years ago, even 10 years ago, this still seemed futuristic, even a little disturbing. But if we look around closely, it's really not that far from how we life today.

Think about it: What's your time to screen in the morning? How long does it take you from being dead asleep to being in front of a screen? Waiting for the train, reading kindle or sitting on the toilet – all these gaps are getting filled up with screens.

In the 20th century, the car shaped our environment in a huge, tectonic way. It were the architects who imagined and built the world we all life in today.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that the screen will be as important shaping our environment in the 21st century. The things on the screens are the things we choose to surround ourselves.

We, the designers, are not just making pretty interfaces. We're in the process of building an environment where we'll spend most of our time for the rest of our lifes. Today, we are the architects, imagining the world we all life in.

"We shape our tools and, thereafter, we become."

What do you want that environment to feel like? How do you want to become?

Thoughts inspired by Wilson Miner.