Tom Pearson

March 31, 2021


  • The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Vol IV): The Tempest Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neil (2020)
Do I like the League books? I mean I buy and read them all, there’s definitely something compelling about them on the whole, but do I like them? I’m not sure that I do, but then there’ll always be some flash of brilliance in there. I think part of the problem I come up against is that the sheer maximalism of the whole thing produces a curiously flat overall texture. And as much as I love Kevin O’Neils art work (Seeing his work on early Nemesis in 2000ad was a formative experience for young me) I can’t help but feel that a wider variety of artists could lift the whole enterprise (I loved the photo story section between Mina and the latest Nemo), the Winsor McKay pages in particular feel like a real missed opportunity.
