Andy Trattner

October 14, 2022

Back on LinkedIn

Here's my new profile -

Please reconnect with me. Write a couple sentences of recommendation if you can!

I'm recruiting engineers. LinkedIn turns out to be an essential tool, especially in Ecuador where the tech network isn't as dense and I'm not fully plugged-in yet.

I super appreciate your help boosting my LinkedIn brand. It's hilarious my account currently lacks enough social proof to unlock certain features on the platform.

Now that I've gone back to Google etc, I'm still hoping to draw the line at Facebook. LinkedIn however... I guess I'm never deleting this one!

I'm happy to become professional again, for good.

P.S. Thanks for all the supportive messages from my last post. I don't suck, and things have accelerated in very good ways for my company over the last week! More on that soon.

About Andy Trattner