Tyler Dickey

January 31, 2022

January Reading Recap

I think a major contributing factor to New Year's resolutions failing is that January just plain fucking sucks. The festive season should extend into the early part of the year and we can start making plans in early February then really get back to work in early April as God or whatever intended.  That being said, I made a goal to read at least 5 books a month and to track my progress, even in shitty January. Here is update one of my 2022 reading goals: 

1. Energy: A Human History by Richard Rhodes 
I picked this one up on audible after having devoured Rhodes' The Making of the Atomic Bomb late last year.  Both are a must-read. Energy is a detailed survey of our transition from beasts of burden, to fossil fuels, to renewables. It was an incredible read/listen I look forward to diving deeper into Rhodes' back catalogue.(★★★★★) 

And that's it, I'm 1 for 5 on my goal this month. I'm going to be a little less ambitious and leave the 12-hour historical saga audiobooks off of the table for next month's reading list.