Tyler Dickey

January 31, 2022

Reading Challenge Rules

I should have written this long before I posted the dismal results of my January Reading Recap. It's never much of a challenge if there aren't any rules. I don't want to bog reading down with too many restrictions, but I don't want to give myself an out and re-read easily digestible fiction to hit my five books per month goal. 

Here are the rules of my inaugural yearly reading challenge:  

  1. Try to complete five books per calendar month. The keyword here is complete. Some books are just too long or too arduous to read in 4 short weeks, books will naturally spillover, and that's ok. No extra points will be awarded for exceeding the five-book goal. 
  2. Any medium is ok, paper books, kindle, audiobooks. All are welcome. 
  3. Read at least one utterly new-to-me book. No series or authors that I am already familiar with—only the fresh stuff. 
  4. Read at least one piece of historical non-fiction (lately, I've been drawn to 18th and 19th century European, specifically English history). Biographies and autobiographies count here. 
  5. Read at least one "comfort" book, just for fun. No genre, style, or author is off-limits. 
  6. Read at least one "back catalogue" item from an author or series I already enjoy. 
  7. Read at least one "for work" book that will make me better at something I already do or pick up a new skill that will be useful in the future. 
  8. Track everything on GoodReads, take good notes, and post results on this blog thing. 

And that's it.