Hi there! I wanted to say hello and give a little update on how I am progressing on my short film, Temper!
First of all, I want to thank everybody who gave money over the last few weeks. Thank you thank you! It's been a huge wind in my sails as I work to finish this project. That and the nice things people have written me about the short have really felt good and helped with motivation.
Now as far as progress... Throughout the course of this project I've storyboarded all the shots to figure out what happens and find the flow of the story etc. I can quickly remove shots, redraw them or rearrange them in this state. Its basically writing with drawings. These are just quick sketches and when it comes time to animate a shot I use the storyboard as a rough guide and create the background art and place or create the characters in the scene and go from there.
Storyboard to Final 1
Storyboard to Final 2
Well, today May 22nd, I can happily report there are no longer any shots in storyboard form! Every shot has background art and at least the beginnings of some animation. This is a pretty huge milestone for me. It's great to watch the whole thing and see real art all the way through beginning to end!
So thats all for now. Thanks for your time and support!