Alex Medick

Dad, Entrepreneur // Building INSIDE

March 10, 2021

Men Wanted For Hazardous Journey

I recently finished reading Steve Case's biography and manifesto on the future, The Third Wave. In the book, Case referred to an old ad placed by famed explorer Ernest Shackleton as a metaphor for entrepreneurship. The ad Shackleton placed in the 1912 London Times was dubbed "Men Wanted For Hazardous Journey." After reading this the ad...
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March 9, 2021

Give me the punks...

Give me the punks. Give me the hackers. The crazy ones. Give me the trouble makers and the dreamers. Give me the scrappy ones. The independent ones. Give me the free thinkers. The stay small and fight the good fight believers. The world is full of giants. But that shit doesn't get me off. Give me the underdogs. The ones that are rough ...
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March 8, 2021

Surfing Rules for Life and Business

When I read a book, I try and take down notes and key takeaways to revisit at a later time. This morning, I was going through an old notebook and came across these notes I took on Surfing Rules for Life and Business, taken from Guy Kawasaki's 2019 book, Wise Guy: Lessons From A Life. In Kawasaki's book, he shares the 12 rules of surfin...
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March 6, 2021

The Quest For An Analog Life

When I was younger, I used to spend a lot more time in nature – weekly hiking and climbing trips, mountain biking, surfing, camping and more. But as I got older and fell more into work, those things just sort of fell by the wayside. But when COVID-19 was on the rise and the world began to shut down, it forced me to start finding altern...
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March 4, 2021

What Is A T-Shaped Marketer?

Are you a marketer that does everything under the sun? From paid media and analytics, to branding and web-design? If you said to 'yes' to yourself just now, then you might just be a T-Shaped Marketer. What is a T-Shaped Marketer? Solid question! To be honest, until a few months ago, I had no idea either. I was just always the full-stac...
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March 4, 2021

I'm feeling burnt-out.

Today, I was talking with Inside's Managing Editor, Liam Gill, about burnout. I've been working 60+ hour weeks the last few weeks. With that, I have had little family time and little sleep (yes, my wife is a champ for keep the whole world together while I was deep into work on Inside, VegasGameTesters, and Kuppy). To be blunt, now I'm ...
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