Alexander Kluge

I run a voiceover studio (, document how I produce original stories, while building my dream company (, and try to survive in a pendulum of existential angst and lust for adventure!
June 30, 2024

How I Transformed Maru’s Email Game (And Can Do the Same for You)

I had a knack for sending sales emails that sound just like you would write them. Curious? Let me share a quick win. I teamed up with Maru Exposito, a Tokyo fantasy artist. She was awesome, and her project was right up my alley. I dove deep — research, chats, the whole nine yards. Became virtually her to craft the perfect email campaig...
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June 30, 2024

How you offered an obviously crappy job?

You said it was bad. Sebastian did this in his Indeed job ad (see my prior letter to you). A breakdown of his clever job ad: Awesome Headline: “ “Awesome crappy job in the evening hours approx. 17.00–21.00”” Right away, it grabbed you. It was honest and said, “Yeah, the hours sort of suck.” But you wanted to read more because it was bo...
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March 29, 2023

‼️important: new Home 🏡 for {Sunday Truth}

Go to … … if you want to receive future {Sunday Truth} emails from me through my private email list. I’m leaving HEY World as a platform to communicate the {Sunday Truth}, so I don’t have to manage two emails lists and two platforms. I only want one private email list 😌. So, if you go to … … and you ente...
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March 27, 2023

this is my last {Sunday Truth}... {Sunday Truth 116}

…using the HEY World platform. The last emails and blog posts you’ve seen on (and respectively were provided via HEY World. But that is a thing of the past. Starting with next week’s {Sunday Truth 117}, I’m going all-in putting everyting on my own domain, is my...
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March 20, 2023

like watching YouPorn… :belated: {Sunday Truth 115}

sry, you caught me jerking off. That’s why the {Sunday Truth} is late. Actually that’s not true because it was late due to a new article I wanted to have published before I write to you (see below). There was no jerking off being the cause of the delay. You would’ve to have giant balls that would make you go from a few seconds to a cou...
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March 13, 2023

🔱 are you single-minded? {Sunday Truth 114}

“I know this sounds crazy, but once I find something I want to do, nobody’s stopping me. If I don’t know how to sew, and I really had that passion for sewing, that’s it, I’m going to sew. That’s also with acting. So here I am.” (Millie Bobby Brown, {Sunday Truth 113}) And yes, it appears to be the “Millie Bobby Brown Weeks”, because sh...
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March 6, 2023

success praise fame fortune - Millie Bobby Brown {Sunday Truth 113}

Last night I had a dream about a life, and it was 13 hours.* Millie Bobby Brown and I were a couple. We kissed. But she wasn’t happy. Of course, she is the star with a great attitude. And I’m just the boyfriend. It’s a problem when you have a power disbalance of absolute superstar and nobody. Plus age difference: Her 19. Me 39. She is ...
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March 3, 2023

u O u (you owe you) :belated: {Sunday Truth 112}

Let’s get this baby rolling outta bed and give her a nice ocean of opportunities. Because… Swimming in opportunities is more fun than drowning in oppression. I’m not talking about oppression like rape . I’m talking misdemeanor towards yourself, as motivational speaker Eric Thomas* points out: And that you stop self-sabotaging your effo...
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February 20, 2023

making money while you’re sleeping {Sunday Truth 111}

It’s the dream, right? You take a nap. You wake up. And you see money on your bank account. Who wouldn’t like that? Me neither. But that’s what happened on Wednesday evening. I just got up from 10 hours of sleeping, with a long workday in my bones, and I saw 3 payments: €142.33, €56.46, and €527. Technically, one payment happened befor...
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February 13, 2023

i found client work i don’t hate {Sunday Truth 110}

I don’t like client work. I’d rather not do client work, but it’s currently my only means of making money. So, I found (read: had to find) a freelance craft where my desire to work on it is greater than my aversion to doing client work... A D V E R T I S I N G Advertising. Because…. . . . (to be continued after a short break) 🫁 It was ...
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February 5, 2023

i moved out {Sunday Truth 109}

I moved out of my mum’s house. It was time. Overdue. My mission there failed, partially, and succeeded, partially. It was my mission and duty to help her eat better and move more. That was, like I said, a partial success. But her place is also dead. There’s no more life, so I packed my things, stuffed everything into 9 bags and backpac...
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January 29, 2023

climbing to the TOP of a mountain until summer 2023 {Sunday Truth 108}

My goal is to produce Original Stories through and publish them on my suse YouTube channel. That’s my way of saying, “I’m building my dream company.” (and with that newly-found clarity, I made a logo that expresses this clarity: featuring pitch black and bloody red but also white hope 🖤❤🤍, because suse Original Stories touch us...
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January 23, 2023

Heidi 🇨🇭 {Sunday Truth 107}

No money, no girlfriend, no job. A huge bummer for my overall optimistic attitude. But I have a roof above my head and enough food. When you start the year at the lowest point, it can only get better, right? I honestly don’t know what to do. What I plan to do is: 1. Sell my stuff 2. Audition for voiceover jobs Man… Sometimes I wish I w...
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January 16, 2023

after her {Sunday Truth 106}

She gone. Snow run. What happens in outside nature can resemble what happenes inside of our heart, such that it was snow-free from last Saturday when she arrived and snowing again on Friday morning, the day after she was gone. You can debate the synchronicity of nature and human connection, as I mentioned in :belated: {Sunday Truth 104...
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January 13, 2023

death of a full-time voice actor, he couldn’t make it :belated: {Sunday Truth 105}

With this energetic subject line and the overall positive energy that people have with their aliby New Year’s resolutions, and the quick realization that they will stay fat, poor, exhausted, and full of shit, am I opening the first {Sunday Truth} in 2023. Happy New… who gives a fuck?! Sure, my mood has been better, but I’m not shying a...
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January 4, 2023

year 2 of building my dream company :belated: {Sunday Truth 104}

It’s looking grim. I finished year 2 of Susé Patrola with a deficit of -5.618,43 EUR. You can see how that happened in my cash overview for 2022. With 392,93 EUR left on my bank account and average monthly costs of 672 EUR, I’m screwed if I don’t make shit happen in January 2023. Luckily, the big payments have happened already. [1] Plu...
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December 26, 2022

we wanted to meet, it was scheduled, but i screwed up, so we never met {103}

She didn’t tolerate my untoward behavior. It was untoward (🗣 un-TOH-erd) because it was unruly, unfavorable, improper, or simply disruptive. What had I done? We had scheduled to meet last Saturday, and I was EXTREMLY looking forward to see you. But around 8.24pm, on Tuesday, I had the grandiose idea to take a jog, pay a visit to her ho...
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December 19, 2022

45.5 hours to New York (Syracuse) ::: belated {Sunday Truth 102}

I’m fine. Everything is good. But two days on the road took their toll, in a good way, though. Because where else would you get a “STRESS TEST” like that? And I wouldn’t have met these lovely people, which is why I like being on the road so much, although arriving/closure is fine, too. Who I met? (to be continued after a short break) ℹ...
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December 12, 2022

{Sunday Truth 101} as frosty as the temperatures outside

We haven’t talked for a few days*, and it feels like the new normal: distance. And then in only-in-my-head cinema conversations a person asks, “So, Alex, what are you up to over the Christmas holidays and New Year’s?” I’m going to visit my ex. “Huh, why?” I don’t know. And some part of me really doesn’t know. Call it a mixture of hope,...
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December 4, 2022

{Sunday Truth 100} world cup soccer and work keep me strong and productive

France is going to play Poland. Kylian Mbappé against Robert Lewandowski, if you want to dramatize the duel. Indulging my mind into World Cup soccer while producing and publishing daily ads has been my cure, potion, or main source of distraction. Eating well, or relatively well, has been helping as well. I have only left the studio to ...
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November 29, 2022

🔵 belated {Sunday Truth 99} goodbye summer fairy tale 🧚🏽‍♀️

My Sommermärchen is over. After sheer endless back-and-forths in the past weeks and months, it has come to an end what I considered the last relationship partner I would be having in my life. I guess it’s like announcing “I will win the World Cup in Qatar 2022”. It can work, but sometimes it doesn’t. It’s Nov 27th, 2022, and it’s THE E...
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November 20, 2022

{Sunday Truth 98} i give a voice to your text (hire me)

I can help you with your marketing as a voiceover artist and a copywriter. I speak and write ads. Bilingual: 🇺🇸English. 🇩🇪German. You can see my daily-updated portfolio on my YouTube channel: Here’s my latest ad I’ve published today: Watch 🇺🇸 Ad: Potato Couch! “The right path to a high-quality life is a sturdy, ...
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November 14, 2022

{Sunday Truth 97} i’m going public “Ay Pee Oh” (IPO)

After 97 weeks of sharing my journey (of building up my dream story production company, Susé Patrola) via email only, I’ll start sharing my {Sunday Truth} emails now as emailed blog posts, pretty cool! Thanks to HEY World can I blog by sending emails. ·=· ·=· ·=· ·=· ·=· ·=· ·=· ·=· ·=· ·=· ·=· (to be continued after a short break) ℹ I...
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March 6, 2021

Hello world?

Jason Fried just told me that, as a “HEY for You” customer, I can now publish blog posts by sending an email to It’s a new feature. I just tried it out. So, that’s my first post. Voilà! (did it work?) Yes, it worked. And I can even edit the blog post aka email. Weird, but cool.
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