Ben Sinclair

November 26, 2022

Why every Christian should do the Freedom in Christ course

My church ran the Freedom in Christ course recently. I'd seen it before and as someone who'd been a Christian my whole life, never even stopped to consider it.

My amazing wife suggested I attend it as I wasn't in the best place due to events that had occurred over the last 2 years. I agreed to do it without thinking much of it.

After a couple of sessions, it clicked. I am happy to say that after completing the 10 sessions, it has completely changed my life. I wish I had done this when I was younger. 

  • It solidified my identity - who I am in Christ.
  • It affirmed that I am accepted, significant and secure.
  • It helped me choose to believe the truth.
  • It helped me with knowing and understanding certain truths.
  • It made me realise my actions didn't reflect what I believed.
  • It made me realise I need to take more responsibility of my life.
  • It taught me how to forgive (I mean really forgive).
  • It helped me break from things that held me from the past.
  • It taught me about strongholds in my mind and how to deal with them.
  • It affirmed the importance of unity.

There is so much more depth than just the above. 

I'm not one to pump really anything but I'll make an exception with this course. I do believe all Christian's, no matter how together they think they have it, should attend this course. 


About Ben Sinclair

Hey! I'm Ben. I’m a Christian (a child of God), husband, father, son, friend and I work at I'm passionate about Jesus, finance and technology. These writings are for me, however, maybe they’ll be interesting to others. Thanks for stopping by!