Dean Clough

June 17, 2024

Portico Darwin: Getting Ready for Trump


 <3 Minute Read

Serenity now, indeed.  And Happy Monday.

Yes, we are still a few months out and anything can happen.  But there are many reports that a 2nd Trump presidency is likely, this from The Economist among them.

So many are asking Nobody in their right mind is asking, "Oh, Portico, please share your random emotions and thoughts on the topic with us."

OK, and this is far more than 10 Seconds of Seriousness:  

  • First and foremost, I feel anxiety, and it is growing by the minute.  It is the complete lack of control over the situation, and it borders on being unbearable.  I can't be the only one.  Feeling powerless facing 4 more years of Trump's continual chaos and his defacing of America's brand makes me want to move to the woods.  In Canada.

  • But it also makes it tolerable - I have no control over the outcome of the 2024 election.

  • I am beyond puzzled by the false equivalency that many draw between Trump and Biden.  As in "Biden is destroying America."  I would welcome objective information that demonstrates that, as America has economically outperformed its peers during Biden's tenure.

  • But wow, do I still wish they would find a way to run someone other than Biden.  In other words, I toast Biden's presidency and career but still am appalled and embarrassed for my country that this is our choice:  an honorable too-old white man, and a completely dishonorable too-old white man. 
  • I can't believe Biden is behind in the polls.  My God, we're going to re-elect Trump?  After everything?

  • But weren't the polls wrong in 2016?  And what about the 2022 "red wave" that never happened?

  • Why don't people care about the shit they used to?  Like character?  That's at the root of my angst:  I simply don't understand Republicans trashing it all for Trump.  

  • Does this mean enough people to elect a president are FINE with January 6?

  • I myself am stridently anti-Psycho Woke, and I agree America's immigration system is a mess and needs to be scrapped.  But how in the world is that reason enough to vote for Trump?

  • My strong preference would be other choices - from both parties.  But I can't control that either.

  • Why the fuck can't these more important cases get tried and get tried f'ing now?
    • The state of Georgia one ("What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes . . . ")
    • The federal secret documents one
    • Oh, and the other federal one about Trump attempting to overturn the 2020 election

  • If this is just about owning the libs, I'm here.  I'm here waiting for someone to explain how and why they want a fresh 4 years of tweets and madness from Trump, and specific data on why Biden is the worst president in American history.

  • Trump!  We are talking about re-electing Donald J. Trump! 
  • I really don't know what to do.  Tuning out completely is impossible and also doesn't seem right.  

  • But when I focus on or even consider that Trump will likely be voted back in by my fellow citizens, I feel a dull ache in my head.

And soul.  As a proud and very real American.

That's a reason I used my beloved Economist.  I hope this august publication is ringing the alarm bells in time.

They also published this, and I have attached a PDF of the article if you'd like to reassure yourself our country can withstand another 1,460 days of Trump starting next January.  Preview:  Maybe.

Dictator-Proof.pdf 91.6 KB

I'd love to hear from anyone who can express the anxiety they feel regarding a second Biden term.

Because what exactly are you afraid of?


I was honored to get "Another good one!" regarding Friday's post on cars from my cousin, the famous artist Charles Clough.  

Hunter Deuce?  Well, I hung out with him and his bride Fi Friday night, and he confessed to initially missing the point.

I thought it was about The Cars.

And to those who may feel my nuclear power ideas are sheer fantasy, I was pleased to learn yesterday there's another dreamer out there.  Except this one has billions to spend and is doing so on a clean energy solution few others want to acknowledge. 

Well, apart from Bill and me.

Thank you for reading this newsletter.  


I am glad it's been over a year since I last featured this on KLUF, because it's perfect for the calm some of us could use now and going forward.

Here (on both TIDAL and Spotify - yes, it's that good) is M83 and the complete, and completely Diamond Certified, Digital Shades

This is a playlist comprising albums released 12 years apart (2007 and 2019), Digital Shades Vol. I and DSVII.  If this doesn't soothe, nothing will.  
This music, almost entirely instrumental, is similar to ambient in style, but it is so very much more.  

And it's a great foundation for your Trump 47 Starter Pack.

About Dean Clough