Happy Friday, and lucky you, you're missing out on what was to be yet another rant about SF and its corrupted politics. But then I saw this referenced in yesterday's Dealbook, and well, that post is history.
Or maybe the Earth is history?
This is the f'ing Wall Street Journal blowing the lid off of Exxon's climate change lies, in a damning new exposé. I felt it important enough to pre-empt a typical blog, and I even grabbed a PDF of the article for you, so there's no paywall. WSJExxonClChg.pdf
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Let me repeat: this article is not from an America-hating rag (LOL!) like The New York Times. Nor The Washington Post, and not my beloved Economist, either. This time, it is none other than Rupert Murdoch's finest saying climate change is real, and it is caused by humans. By doing things like driving, and there I go again.
I do hope you'll read the article; it may even motivate you to renounce your membership in the Rex Tillerson Fan Club.
But have a great weekend regardless.
André Aurich still likes this blog! He told me so personally during the great day out we shared Wednesday, at the legendary (and way Textbook) Sam's Anchor Café in Tiburon, for the Giants day game. We left this behind and watched the game, inside, at the bar. Shocker. At least I was outside for the ferry ride home, and it wasn't even that bad. Thank you for reading this newsletter.
If my post documenting Exxon's unbridled greed and cynicism gets you down, I've just the antidote. Here is a playlist of two recent albums (The Layers and View with a Room) from Julian Lage - he's said in interviews this is how he intended them to be heard, with the newer Layers as the "prequel".
However sequenced, this is some Killer (and very nice) jazz guitar music. And smooth? Yes - like oil through a pipeline.