
February 6, 2024

February 10 1999

February 10 1999

My clean and sober date.

25 fucking years. I suppose I should write something, I don't know, encouraging, or insightful, or anyway something. Sometime around 5 years clean, I started to have more good days that bad days. And that ratio has only increased. But those first 5 years were crazy making. This was not the first time I got sober for any length of time, it was the third. 

It is what one does after the emergency, confusion, anger, and agony have passed, that lays claim to wisdom. "She's been through a lot, and she is still dancing." Says more about experience and resiliency, then it does determination and grit. Strength and robustness will get you through the immediate emergency. Yet soft resiliency will inform and teach you to bend, flow, and continue dancing. This is the way.


Here is something I wrote at ten years.

And another at about 15 years.