David Vaassen

April 26, 2023

On writing to the World

Dear reader,

Writing is such an important skill - especially for the more introverted.

I'm not sure where I fall in the introvert/extrovert scale.

Nevertheless I was delighted when the folks at Basecamp/Hey introduced this wonderful writing service  called Hey World (https://www.hey.com/world/)

I hesitate to call it a blogging service - because I think that my intention at this point in time is to use it more like a personal diary of thoughts.

Writing is terribly important for recording thoughts, expressing oneself, learning to edit, corresponding with others, and so much more. Writing elegantly with lucidity and with economy is a learned skill, and practice makes perfect.

What's lovely is that it's so easy to write and send these thoughts (short or long) to the world directly from the Hey email editor ( a place I spend much of my day already). 

Plus, if like me you've always been totally ill-disciplined when it comes to keeping a diary. I'm hopeful that because it's so simple and quick to just send an email without having to open some other application - it's perfect for writing a diary, or a thought, on the fly so to speak. 

Lets see how this pans out.

Happy reading :)

About David Vaassen

Hey, I'm David, the Founder and CEO at E-see International Ltd headquartered in NZ, makers of Brandkit, Logosauce (RIP), and Submitly (coming soon).  Subscribe below or check back occasionally for my thoughts on branding, marketing, business and life in general. My Personal Motto: Why zig when you can zag? 

Thanks for reading.