Get the Right Guidance: Why You Should Only Take Advice from Those Who've Walked the Walk!
Hey there, friend!
You know, life's a funny thing. One day you're just cruising along, and the next, you're being bombarded with advice from all corners. Some of it's useful, some of it... well, not so much. But here's something I've learned (and trust me, I've been around the block a few times): Never take advice from someone who hasn't achieved the thing they're advising about.
Crazy, right? But hear me out.
I've had my fair share of conversations with business advisors from local councils. Now, don't get me wrong, they're good people. They mean well. But I often find myself wondering if they've ever actually run or operated a business themselves. I mean, it's one thing to read about swimming, but it's an entirely different ball game to dive into the water, am I right?
According to Codie A. Sanchez on LinkedIn, this concept is an "incredibly underrated hack." And I couldn't agree more! (source)
It's like asking someone who's never cooked a meal in their life for a recipe. Sure, they might have read a bunch of cookbooks, watched a ton of cooking shows, but until they've actually felt the heat of the stove, smelled the ingredients as they come together, and tasted the final product, they can't really give you a full picture, can they?
Now, before you think I'm totally bashing on advice-giving, let me clarify: advice can be great! It can help you improve, provide direction and focus, and open up new possibilities you hadn't considered before.
But here's the kicker: it's got to come from the right person. Someone who's been there, done that. Someone who's walked the path you're about to tread and has the battle scars to prove it.
So next time you're seeking advice, take a moment. Ask yourself, "Has this person achieved what they're advising me about?" If the answer's no, it might be time to seek guidance elsewhere.
And remember, there's no shame in that! We're all just trying to navigate this crazy world as best we can. So let's make sure we're taking our directions from someone who knows the way.
Keep shining, friends!
About Geoffrey Moffett
Hey! I'm Geoffrey and right now 110% of my time is focused on building Triovia, a digital and social media marketing education company.
In this small part of the internet I blog about thoughts, stories and ideas.