Geoffrey Moffett

Hey!  I'm Geoffrey and right now 110% of my time is focused on building Triovia, a digital and social media marketing education company.  

In this small part of the internet I blog about thoughts, stories and ideas.  
July 4, 2024

The Impact of Social Media on Election Campaigns

Today is polling day, and as our community heads to the voting booths, the significance of social media in local election campaigns is more apparent than ever. In the run-up to this crucial day, campaign managers and their candidates should have prioritised a robust digital strategy to make a real impact. The Social Media Landscape in ...
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May 5, 2024

Kajabi Is Coming To London

Kajabi is coming to London for an intimate two-day experience designed for 75 attendees to allow for rich networking, collaborative mastermind sessions, and exclusive insights straight from our team. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, this event will show you how to harness the full power of Kajabi to build a thrivin...
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May 5, 2024

Let's Get This Show on the Road: Creating Your Own Momentum!

Hey, you! Yes, YOU are sitting there, scrolling through your phone, waiting for that magical moment when everything falls into place. I hate to break it to you, but the universe isn't going to hand you a golden ticket while you're binge-watching your favourite series for the umpteenth time. If you're craving momentum, it's time to crea...
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May 5, 2024

Lessons from "The Founder" That'll Inspire the Entrepreneur in You

Hey there, fellow dreamers and doers! Have you ever sat down, popcorn in hand, ready to dive into a movie, only to feel like you've just had a lightbulb moment? That's exactly what happened to me after watching "The Founder." 🎬✨ For those who haven't had the pleasure, "The Founder" is the story of Ray Kroc, played by the ever-so-charmi...
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May 5, 2024

Why It's Time to Stop Playing the Approval Game and Start Living for YOU!

Hey there! Happy Sunday! 🌟 Today, we're diving headfirst into a topic that's as juicy as it is jarring: our insatiable hunger for approval, but not just any approval. Oh no, we're talking about the kind of thumbs-up we crave from those mystical beings whose opinions we place on a sky-high pedestal, way above our own. You might be think...
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May 5, 2024

Ride the AI Wave: How to Become a Content Marketing Rockstar in 2024!

Hey there, fellow content creators! 🎉 Happy Friday! Have you ever found yourself staring at your screen, wondering how you're supposed to churn out another piece of killer content? Or maybe you've struggled to keep your brand's voice consistent across all your fabulous posts? Well, buckle up because I'm about to take you on a whirlwind...
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May 5, 2024

Small But Mighty: Why Your Tribe of Die-Hard Fans Rocks More Than a Stadium of Lookie-Loos

🚀 Hey there! Today, we're diving headfirst into a hotter topic than your morning cup of coffee: "A small audience that LOVES your work is better than a large following that glances over it." Buckle up because we're about to embark on an enlightening journey sprinkled with humour, personal anecdotes, and maybe even a dance break. Who kn...
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May 5, 2024

Beyond the Shallow: Uncovering Business Wisdom in a Hit Song

Oh, come on! Who hasn't belted out the soul-stirring lyrics of "Shallow" in the shower, pretending to be on a grand stage, or at least hummed along when it played over the radio? This powerhouse anthem by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, from the heart-wrenching movie A Star Is Born, not only swept awards but also captured hearts worldwid...
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May 5, 2024

The Real Deal About Kajabi: Why It's Worth Every Penny

Hey there, fellow digital enthusiasts! 🌟 Today, we're diving deep into a topic that's hotter than your morning cup of coffee: the cost-effectiveness of Kajabi. I know what you're thinking: "Isn't Kajabi on the pricier side?" And to that, I say, "Grab a snack, make yourself comfy, and prepare to have your mind blown!" 🤯 Because there's ...
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May 5, 2024

Bouncing Back with a Bang: Small Business Owners, This One's for You!

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! 🌟 Let's get real for a second. Running a small business is like riding the world's wildest roller coaster—thrilling highs, terrifying lows, and those loop-the-loops that leave you wondering which way is up. Have you recently hit a snag? Maybe your finances decided to play hide-and-seek (and they're good...
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May 1, 2024

Influencer Marketing in Northern Ireland

Businesses in Northern Ireland are increasingly adopting influencer marketing to reach their target audience. This approach involves leveraging the popularity of individuals with large online followings to promote products, services, and brands authentically and engagingly. However, many people may not know what influencer marketing is...
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February 25, 2024

Rev Up Your Conversion Rates: The Magic of Landing Pages and the PAS Framework Uncovered!

Hey there, fellow digital enthusiast! Got a minute? Or perhaps a cup of coffee in hand? Because we're about to dive into a topic that's going to revolutionise the way you look at your website's landing pages. And trust me, it's worth the read! Landing pages – they're like the shop windows of the online world. They're our first impressi...
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February 21, 2024

It's Time to Turn Your Brilliant Ideas into Reality - One Action at a Time!

Hey there, dreamers and doers! Let's talk about something we all love - ideas. Ideas are like stars in the night sky, twinkling with endless possibilities. But what good is a star if it stays in the sky, never shooting across the horizon to dazzle us with its brilliance? That's where action comes into play. Picture this: you're sitting...
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February 13, 2024

Future Creator, It's Your Time! Tame the Creative Chaos and Shine!

Hey there, Creator! So you've decided to jump into the big, wild, and sometimes downright crazy world of being a creator? That's awesome! I'm grinning from ear to ear just thinking about all the amazing things you're going to put out into the world. But hold up! Are you feeling a little... overwhelmed? Like you've been handed a paintbr...
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February 11, 2024

No More Excuses: Unleashing Your Creative Potential

Hey there, fellow creativity enthusiasts! Let's talk about something that we all know and love (or loathe) - excuses. You know what I mean, those little "I can't because..." or "I would, but..." statements that keep us from reaching our full potential. Here's a fun thought: What if I told you that most excuses are just a lack of creati...
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February 10, 2024

Embrace The Challenge: Why Running Toward Hard Things is the Way to Go!

Hey there, friend! Let me tell you a little secret about life. You know those hard things that we often try to dodge? The ones that make us break out in a cold sweat and have us considering if it's too late to change careers or move to a deserted island? Yeah, those ones. Well, I'm here to tell you something that might sound a little b...
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February 9, 2024

Believe, Be Patient, Decide Wisely, and Achieve Faster!

Hey there, friend! Have you ever stopped to think about how much power you hold within yourself? Yeah, you heard it right! I’m talking about the superpower of believing in yourself. You know, that tiny voice inside your head that shouts, "Yes, I can!" It's more than just a motivational phrase; it's the fuel that drives you towards your...
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January 31, 2024

Why Feedback is Your Friend, Not Foe

Hey there, friends! Have you ever found yourself breaking into a cold sweat at the mere mention of the word "feedback"? If so, you're not alone. Many of us view feedback as a terrifying monster lurking under our beds. But what if I told you it's actually more like a friendly guide, leading us on the path to improvement? Ah-ha! Didn't s...
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January 29, 2024

Get the Right Guidance: Why You Should Only Take Advice from Those Who've Walked the Walk!

Hey there, friend! You know, life's a funny thing. One day you're just cruising along, and the next, you're being bombarded with advice from all corners. Some of it's useful, some of it... well, not so much. But here's something I've learned (and trust me, I've been around the block a few times): Never take advice from someone who hasn...
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January 29, 2024

Embracing Fear and Defeating Inaction

Hey there, friends! Let's get real for a second. We've all been there, right? That heart-pounding, sweat-inducing, spine-tingling moment when fear creeps in. It's like a pesky uninvited guest at a party, showing up just when we're about to do something amazing. "Oh hey, Fear, didn't see you there. Fancy meeting you here...again." But g...
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January 28, 2024

Stop Playing Broke, Start Living Rich!

Let's get real for a minute. We all love the finer things in life, right? That shiny new car, the latest smartphone, or that designer handbag we've been eyeing. But what if I told you that the way we're spending our money might be what's keeping us from becoming truly wealthy? Now, I'm not about to drop a lecture on you. But here's a l...
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January 26, 2024

Businesses exist to solve problems

Hey there friends! Gather around, pull up a chair and let's chat about something that's been on my mind lately. You know businesses, right? Those things we interact with every day, whether it's grabbing a cup of tea/coffee from your favourite cafe or ordering a snazzy new gadget online. But have you ever stopped to think about what the...
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January 26, 2024

Less is More: Uncover a Life Bursting with Joy!

Hey there and happy Friday! I've got a little nugget of wisdom to share with you today. Are you ready? Here it comes: Often the easiest strategy to do more of what matters is to do less of what doesn’t. Mind-blowing, right? I know, I know. It sounds like one of those "easier said than done" scenarios. But hear me out, okay? Let's take ...
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January 25, 2024

Why Struggling to Fit In Is Your Greatest Strength!

Hey there, friend! You know that struggle you've been having, the one where you're trying oh-so-hard to fit in? Yeah, that one. Well, guess what? That's not a curse, it's a gift! Yes, you heard me right, a gift! And no, I haven't lost my marbles. Let me explain. We've all been there, haven't we? Trying to squeeze ourselves into that 'n...
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January 24, 2024

Learning by Doing: The Ultimate Wisdom Unlocker

Hey there, friends! Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation where you're trying to learn something, but no matter how many books you read or videos you watch, it just doesn't seem to stick? 🤔 Don't worry, you're not alone. Many of us have been there and I'm here to tell you a little secret. The real learning? It starts when y...
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January 23, 2024

Step Inside Someone's Dream: Discover the Heart and Soul Behind Your Local Businesses!

The next time you're strolling in town, pause a bit and take a good look at those quaint little shops and cosy eateries. They're more than just brick and mortar, they're the tangible manifestation of someone's dream. You see that indie bookstore, that charming coffeehouse, or that swanky restaurant? Each one is the brainchild of an ind...
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January 23, 2024

Leap into Wisdom: Your Next Big Decision Could Be a Game-Changer!

Have you ever found yourself teetering on the edge of a big decision? It's like standing on a cliff, wind in your hair, looking out at the vast unknown. Nerve-wracking, right? But let me tell you, it's in these moments that something truly spectacular happens. When you buckle up, weigh your options, and make that decision, there's an a...
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January 23, 2024

Why Creating Beats Copying Every Time!

Hey there! Ever found yourself in a pickle, thinking "Why not just copy it?" Oh, we've all been there! But here's a little secret I want to share with you - copying ain't always the winning ticket. You see, while it might look like a quick fix, it often misses out on the magic of the original idea. Imagine eating a burger without the s...
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January 22, 2024

Behind the Glitz and Glam: The Price Tag of Local Award Ceremonies Revealed!

Ever received one of those unexpected emails or calls that make you feel like a rockstar? You know, the ones that start with "Congratulations! You've been nominated for a prestigious local award!" Well, hold on to your party hats, because I've got a story to tell. A few weeks back, I got one of these unexpected surprises. I was just si...
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January 22, 2024

From 'Nope' to 'Yup' - The Thrill of a Mind Flip!

Have you ever had one of those mind-blowing moments where you just flip your viewpoint? Yeah, I'm talking about a complete 180. It's like discovering your favourite pizza topping is actually pineapple. Shocking, right? But let me tell you, that's when things get interesting! Imagine this: One day you're all "Nope, not for me." And then...
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