Making the distinction between problems and situations is necessary for small business owners to address chronic concerns.
Even if they could be expensive or time-consuming, problems have remedies. But situations are realities of the professional world that one must acknowledge and adjust to.
Realising this distinction helps people de-stress and refocus on tasks that are more doable.
If an issue continues, it may call for greater work or a compromise than anticipated. Reassess your goals and decide whether you can live with the circumstances.
Talking about issues can frequently result in improvements, but dwelling on unalterable circumstances can make things worse.
Even if they could be expensive or time-consuming, problems have remedies. But situations are realities of the professional world that one must acknowledge and adjust to.
Realising this distinction helps people de-stress and refocus on tasks that are more doable.
If an issue continues, it may call for greater work or a compromise than anticipated. Reassess your goals and decide whether you can live with the circumstances.
Talking about issues can frequently result in improvements, but dwelling on unalterable circumstances can make things worse.