Geoffrey Moffett

Hey!  I'm Geoffrey and right now 110% of my time is focused on building Triovia, a digital and social media marketing education company.  

In this small part of the internet I blog about thoughts, stories and ideas.  
April 1, 2021

Stop with the Like-and Share Competitions

Do you find yourself constantly running social media competitions to get more likes and shares? It's not a bad idea, but it is only a short term gain on an engagement metric level. Like-and share competitions have been shown to be ineffective at generating conversions for your website. Why are they so ineffective? According to research...
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March 31, 2021

Hire marketing assistant Jarvis for $99 a month to increase your conversions!

Most small business owners don't have the time or skills to create high-converting copy for their website, ads, emails, and more. That's where Jarvis comes in. He provides a service that will help you generate high-quality copy for your marketing materials. It doesn't matter if you are running an eCommerce site, brick-and-mortar store,...
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March 15, 2021

Additional business support schemes announced for Northern Ireland

Finance Minister, Conor Murphy has announced £178 million in new business support grants. Making the announcement, Conor Murphy said: “These grant schemes, together with the 12 months rates holiday, will provide a lifeline for many businesses who continue to confront the challenges of COVID-19. This package of support will help busines...
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March 7, 2021

Man Down - 'Literally'

It's been almost 24 hours since I had my first vaccine - Oxford/AZ vaccine. I was lucky enough to have it in my local surgery unlike many others who have had to travel a considerable distance. As I write this I am lying in bed (10am) with severe shuddering, cold sweats, sharp shooting like pains throughout my body, headache, dehydratio...
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March 5, 2021

Being present in the world

I was waiting outside a coffee shop this afternoon for someone while they were getting their daily caffeine fix so I pulled out my iPhone and started scrolling through social media as a way to pass time. But for some reason, this time was different. I felt like there was an emptiness in the pit of my stomach that even scrolling through...
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March 4, 2021

A sneak peak at Triovia

You know how it feels when you’re in a whirlwind of activity? That’s what the last few weeks have been like for me building out Triovia. I’ve been working on content writing, video production and editing amongst other things. If you want to be part of Triovia’s private beta, keep reading… The pandemic has hit close to home for me. I’ve...
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March 4, 2021

Managing Ideas

Many people are creative and have ideas for new products, businesses, or things to create. This is a good thing for some because it never leaves them without something to do. Yet in practice these distractions can be more harmful than helpful when trying to focus on what really needs attention. I am currently building out Triovia, and ...
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March 4, 2021

Support small businesses and make someone’s dream come true

The next time you walk on the cobblestone streets of your town or city, it’s hard not to be captivated by the large buildings that surround you. But take a second and look at the smaller shops and eateries. Don’t just focus on what they sell or how they’re decorated — instead, think about who owns these businesses and their hopes for t...
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