Henricus Louwhoff

December 13, 2022

Trying out this blog thing

After trying many blogs, (self)-hosted, custom, static site generators, etc I have settled for "email the web". It's true, setting up a blog is still too hard. I took a stab at hashcode but gave up after filling in so much info and spending way too long figuring out where I could start writing.

Maybe it's just me, I do not care for CSS, hashtags, etc on a personal blog. I just want to write.

The reason that I decided to start writing is part of trying to "sell myself". I know I'm a decent programmer but my imposter syndrome kept me from expressing my views on matters like programming, business, etc.

Jason said it best and that is why I'm trying out world.hey.com.

I'm going to make some time to fill up this blog.

About Henricus Louwhoff

Father and software developer. Love to shoot analogue film, bake and cook. Building apps using Elixir & Phoenix. Experimenting with Elm, Swift, Janet, and Rust.