- Print out testing schedule
- Get testing tote (clarify when I can get it)
- Bookmark CAASPP
- Re-register for User ID (First Time User? Request one now)
- Write down path for all tests (ex. CAT ELA Grade 8/Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments/ELA/Grade 8 ELA CAT TEST)
- Click on Test Administration Interface for all Online tests
- Ensure all chromebooks have Apps/"Secure Browser" (request additional chromebooks if needed)
- Post up "Do not disturb sign"
- Send students to correct classes for testing
- One student per desk
- Hand out earbuds, test id cards, scratch paper, collect smartphones/watches, write and tape name on their devices
- Hand out snacks after everyone has started working on the test
- Give the 10 minute warning
Jimmy T Tran
April 25, 2023