Jodie Cook

August 27, 2021

Crosses and shots

Every day, my present self works to cross a metaphorical football into the box so my future self can shoot.
The better I position the ball, the easier it is for future me to score a goal.
So much of the win takes place in the preparation. The glory is secured from the plan. The assists count for more than you might realise.
What are you crossing over today? How are you making it easy for future you?


About Jodie Cook

Welcome, great to have you here 👋

I'm Jodie, founder of Coachvox AI. We make AI coaches.

After selling my agency in 2021 I wrote my new book, Ten Year Career: Reimagine business, design your life, fast track your freedom.

> > > I'm now blogging directly from my website - sign up here.

These blogs are for entrepreneurs who think differently (or want to!)
Topics include mindset, lifestyle design and how to run a business without it running you.