Jodie Cook

September 29, 2022

Ten journal questions for you today

Journaling changed my life and I recommend it to everyone.

If you're not sure how to get started, here are ten questions you could journal on right now.

1. What does my perfect day look like?
2. What are the things I do that I don’t want to?
3. What really matters?
4. What will I regret not doing?
5. Looking back in one year’s time, what will have made the year great?
6. What am I uniquely placed to do?
7. In which areas am I failing to demand the best for myself?
8. Whose approval am I seeking?
9. What do I know for sure?
10. What am I so afraid of?

Write the question at the top of the page, go for it with scribbling down your response and see what comes up.


About Jodie Cook

Welcome, great to have you here 👋

I'm Jodie, founder of Coachvox AI. We make AI coaches.

After selling my agency in 2021 I wrote my new book, Ten Year Career: Reimagine business, design your life, fast track your freedom.

> > > I'm now blogging directly from my website - sign up here.

These blogs are for entrepreneurs who think differently (or want to!)
Topics include mindset, lifestyle design and how to run a business without it running you.