John J. Irvine

Working at the crossroads of business and technology, John is a multidisciplinary executive with skills in management, business strategy, digital forensics and incident response (#DFIR), program management, and enterprise software product management. He offers extensive cross-domain experience in Federal law enforcement and Intelligence, Fortune 500 companies, and small businesses. Throughout his career, John led multi-site divisions of digital forensic examiners and investigators, incident responders, cyber profilers, network intrusion specialists, forensic application developers, and malicious code reverse engineers in support of our nation's most critical law enforcement and Intelligence organizations and commercial enterprises.

This is a personal space for me to shout into the void about topics that inspire me at the moment. Nothing posted here should be considered to be endorsed by my employers, students, friends, family, or pets.
February 16, 2023

Honestly, now.

I really don’t understand why as a supposedly evolved society we don’t consider healthcare a fundamental right. Our current system works for everyone but the provider (the doctor) and the consumer (you). It benefits middlemen, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, your employer, and businesses with whom you might compete on yo...
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July 14, 2022

The M2 MacBook Air — Yes, it’s probably for you.

Photo Credit: Apple Often called “the Apple fanboy” in my circles, I’m frequently asked which iPhone, iPad, or Mac someone should purchase. This is usually followed by my asking a large number of questions about their anticipated uses, which often results in their eyes glazing over and them saying in exasperation, “I don’t know. Whatev...
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February 23, 2022

All me, but with less upkeep.

If you found yourself here, it’s probably because you went to my blog and it forwarded you to this address. I just didn’t keep up the blog as much as I would have liked. Between work, teaching, family, and having a professional outlet for articles on LinkedIn, it just wasn’t worth maintaining a dedicated blog anymore. So, if I have som...
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