Justin Ferriman

January 16, 2024

How I read articles blocked by a paywall

I hate when I'm looking for information or news, click on a relevant news article from Google, only to find out that it's blocked by a paywall (The New York Times comes to mind, but there are others as well).

I don't read these publications often, so I don't feel like paying for a full subscription for a few articles per year.

So, I use this site:


Just paste the URL into the field with the red box, and click "save".

It works for a good number of sites, but not all of them. Also, it sorta sucks on mobile, so I'd recommend that you use it on your laptop.


About Justin Ferriman

Hey, I'm Justin. Every so often, I share the cool stuff (websites, software, products) that I have used or come across. Subscribe and it'll land in your inbox!