Josh Pitzalis

April 23, 2021

#24 Helping people think like superusers

When I begin working with a product my primary focus is understanding how the core value proposition translates to specific actions in the product. Then I map out all the steps that lead to people become habitual users. Once this initial phase of work is complete the next step is to figure out who the super users are.

Superusers are the people that use your product religiously. They love it, they tell everyone about it and they won’t shut up.

One way to find these people is to figure out who performs your core action the most.

If you take any given month and look at the number of times each person performs your core action you will end up with a spectrum of usage. People on the lower end don’t use your product very much while people on the higher end use it the most.

The key is to understand what’s different about the way that people on either end of this spectrum think about your product.

There is no shortcut that I’m aware of here. The only way I know how to do this is to speak to them and understand how they think about your product.

Once you understand the contrast in how these two groups think about your product, you should have more than enough ideas on how to encourage the lower group to become more like the higher group.

How can you help people think about your product as your super users do?

These Hey posts are thoughts-in-progress, they're meant to be conversational. Let me know what you think. Replies to this email go straight to my inbox.

About Josh Pitzalis

Prompt Engineering & Evaluations