Kenneth Larsen

August 13, 2021

It's been awhile...

It's been quiet here while I was figuring out what to do with this platform. Due to several cases at the creator of this platform I did not feel comfortable using it for these posts. I then started to think that in the long run I need to own my content and follower base. From now on I will only be publishing on I...
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April 23, 2021

🕵️ Understand Your Users: Contextual Inquiry

Understanding and interviewing your users is a crucial part of delivering the right things. While there are many ways of doing this, there's a particular theory that I was encouraged to follow by my design professor that is still stuck with me: Contextual inquiry. It is built on the idea that systems design should be grounded in future...
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April 16, 2021

😱 Consider Your Inspiration

When I was hiring engineers for my fictional mansplaining-in-audio-only-service, Suphouse, I ran into a few issues. First, I was asked why we picked React as our frontend tool. Well, because Facebook created it and they have a lot of success with it. Then I was asked why design sprints are so essential to us. Well, Google has pioneered...
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April 9, 2021

Technical Risks and Product Risks

When building my fictional video streaming service Nutfix, I ran into some issues with the engineering department. The product department wants to introduce a new type of movie where the user's interactions determine what happens next. The engineering department thinks this is almost impossible to do in reasonable time due to technical...
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April 3, 2021

Designing for the Worst Case

When I look at the top list of paid apps in the App Store, there is one type of app that is always at the top: Pregnancy apps. There are apps for soon-to-be-mothers and soon-to-be-fathers to track the pregnancy, learn about the different phases they need to go through and even get tips for when the baby has been born. The app's success...
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March 28, 2021

Feminist Design Theory: Building Alliances

While building my fictional food delivery service Grieferando I ran into several issues with the people who were delivering the food. It turns out that not giving them any rights or proper pay has caused some issues. Besides the extremely low compensation I give them they also get tips from our fictional, hungry customers. The problem ...
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March 18, 2021

This Designer Copied From Stripe: You'll Never Guess What Happened Next

When building fictional products like my meditation app Headface, I want to build the best possible user experience. The other day, a proposal came from our designers to redo our form inputs in the signup flow. The request was to save some space by moving the input labels inside the input. Since we of course use Scrum™©℗ it was estimat...
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March 11, 2021

😵 Is My App too Complex?

Let's imagine that I've built a popular banking app. Let's call it M26. Let's imagine that people really loved the simplicity of my banking app. The users can signup, get a credit card by mail, and easily transfer money. This is the core of M26. We call this flow the fall-in-love-journey as this journey allows the users to very quickly...
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March 5, 2021

Product Notes: Building Rome in a Sprint

It turns out that Rome wasn't built in a sprint. I think this resonates with a lot of people who do product development because often the expectation is to build Rome in a sprint. Why is this happening? 1. The Scrum guide says so Chances are that you are following a 2-week sprint cycle. Why is that? Do two weeks match the time it usual...
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