Kia Kamgar

I'm currently working while travelling around Europe in a classic Chevy K5 Blazer with my dog Woof! and sharing the journey • Tech Minimalist @
Pinned post from June 28, 2024

Hello World

It's good to be back!
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July 11, 2024

The site finally has an RSS feed!

It took some time, but with some sweat, tears and headaches, I finally managed to add an RSS feed to the site to make it easier for you to get updates. Let me quickly explain what RSS is for those in the back. Basically, RSS is an open protocol to read/consume internet articles without the need for going to their respective websites. I...
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July 9, 2024

Value isn’t about getting free stuff…

…sometimes it’s simply about learning from someone else’s perspective. Kia.
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July 8, 2024

How to create a CRM in Basecamp

I recently made a video about using Basecamp as a CRM. So here's the demo project, with notes below, to show what's possible. As you can see, it's quite simple. Triage = Leads Not now = Lost Done = Won 1. The rest are my 'stages'. Change them accordingly for you own use-case. 2. Create a card, place all client and project details withi...
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July 7, 2024

Are you're watching too many videos?

I love videos. Making them, watching them, analysing them. But I have an addiction problem when it comes to being lured into one with a clickbait thumbnail. On this fine sunny Sunday sitting in the garden while I dog sit for a family member, I think about the awesome Chrome/Brave/Firefox extension I installed a while ago called Clickba...
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July 6, 2024

Monster sitting

This morning we woke up to a great sunrise. We're looking forward to an awesome weekend dog sitting Monster (yes that's the dog's name). But before that, here's a self portrait of me and Woof! as we set off. Hope you enjoy your weekend. What will you be doing? Kia + Woof!
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July 4, 2024

Creating an Alfred workflow to search for an email in HEY

I wanted to find a way to perform a search with Alfred for emails in HEY. The issue was when doing a search, in HEY, there didn't seem to be a URL change. After posting what I wanted on the 37Signals forum, I found that the link I posted actually worked! So apparently there as a page/query you can use. Here's the working link: https://...
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July 4, 2024

Doing a little maintenance

Chuck the truck has been a little sluggish lately. So have him a little TLC now he’s running like a champ. In couple of weeks he’ll have a well deserved full service too. Kia.
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July 4, 2024

Are you a victim of the Authy hack?

Authy, the 2FA app has been hacked and over 30M accounts were compromised. If you’re currently using the app I would strongly suggest you move your codes. Click here to watch today's video Stay safe out there! Kia.
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July 3, 2024

Lose the automation

Automation is great, but I personally don’t use any automation within my workflow. I prefer to do things manually than lose the human with in my business. Click here to watch today's video Hit reply and let me know if you struggle with Automation. See you tomorrow, Kia.
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July 2, 2024

Don't fall into the evil ‘features’ trap

Having tools available to you is always a great place to be in. But using all the tools at your disposal doesn’t always work and can cause more issues. Click here to watch today's video Let me know if you have troubles when picking the right tools or features, I'd be really interested to know. See you in your inbox tomorrow! Kia.
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July 1, 2024

The joys of having a calm workspace

"The tidier the desk, the more you can get done" isn't alway true, but it works for me. Here's my desktop, it's my 'virtual' desk. It's not cluttered because I don't want to be distracted when I sit to share my thoughts or get some work done. It has the exact tools I need at an arms reach. So there's no friction of looking for the righ...
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