We hear words like assault, battle, conquor and murder.
Cool. That makes for good motivational social media posts, but it's just not how things are done.
We like a business that's calm, beneficial, easy to use with as little bloodshed as possible.
I suppose we could grind harder, we could work late nights and weekends and we could certainly throw grenades at the competition, but they haven't done anything to us. There was no first strike.
Growing a business is about a lot of things, but it's not about battling.
There will be hard times. We will be short on the things we need and that will cause us to ration, pinch pennies, but then the times where we feel great about a student or clients success.
We get to fall in love with ideas, products and opportunities. I don't think being in tactical fighting mode fits well with that.
Taking 2 weeks off to visit the beach or Montana with my family, not sneaking behind enemy lines and sleeping in the dark under a tree.
I like to help the people around me. Even those that do the same thing, not call in air strikes.
You see, marketers that want you to buy their stuff have human emotional habits figured out.
They motivate, create scarcity and a false sense of urgency.
They don't tell you that to build an incredible and stable company that gives you a life to explore and do anything you want.
Some marketing people create ADHD and anxiety in buyers.
Because they must have a memo that the world only has limited resources and limited time.
I don't think either is true.
I love the military. To say those that make it up.
They fight real battles. People get hurt. Usually for the actions of those far above them.
We don't have that.
You will win some and probably lose a few more. If you think going in like SEAL TEAM 6 will fix that, let me know when you get burnt out. I'll jump on a call for you.
Your business is waiting for calm. Systems note some people, but they are great when you are on week 2 climbing the Andes Mountains.
I'm trying get to Paris to get my all access tour of the Notre Dame Cathedral.
How can I do that if I'm starting and fighting wars?
Let there be peace. Peace is profitable. War is for them, but not for you.