Klark Brown

October 25, 2023

Captain Sobel wasn't trusted

Captain Sobel was deployed to command of Easy Company, 2nd battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Division.

If this sounds remotely familiar, he was a primary part of the HBO series, Band of Brothers.

Captain Sobel was not well like. He was a hard screw. He was an officer and trained as such, which more times than not, your teams want you dead more than the enemy.

He was wildly insecure and did not have a knack for gaining trust with his men.

Not a good position to be in when jumping out of airplanes on beaches in Europe when Nazi's shooting heavy lead your way.

He was eventually demoted and shipped to a new platoon.
Making way for Lieutenant Winters who had care and concern, but had no issue holding these children (most under 20) in check.

How often can we say we are in similar positions?

Replaced the armed Nazi's with Allstate and State Farm adjusters but we still wonder who packed our shoot.

If you own a company, you need to take very careful note of who you assign to lead the team. They are more important than her/ him. And they must take the position as a gift and with regard.

A leader doesn't have to be the biggest yeller, but able to command a team with a whisper.

Look around your company or division. Do those that work the front line trust and respect the leader or manager because they have to or want to?

I think this video by Simon Sinek summarized it perfectly. Hire the best. It pays better.


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About Klark Brown

I spend a larger amount of my time than I should doing my small part improving this industry. I give people ideas and inspiration. Why? Because the momentum of 12,000 people working towards one thing is stronger than 1 person.

In exchange I ask that if you would like to get experienced and successful help from people who have DONE it, you reach out to us. We love what we do, and you will to. 

If you are a Restoprenuer™️ and want a guide (think Yoda to Skywalker) to help, thats what we do. www.restorationadvisers.com or simply reply to this email.